
Monday, October 24, 2011

Anono-Momma....Preggo Brain with Pets

One of the best, (hear the sarcasm?), parts of pregnancy is the ability to forget anything and everything.

This stems into all facets of life.

"Did I eat breakfast today?"
"When did I last brush my teeth?"
"Do I have a Dr.'s appt. today?"
"Did I pick my kid up from school yet?"

Seriously, this is how it is; no sugar coating it, you loose your mind and gain the infamous pregnancy brain.

The biggest problem with this scenario is if you have pets and/or kids. If you do...God help them. Because they are on their own. They are lucky if you can remember to change a diaper, let alone feed them.

Occasionally you will start to wonder....when was the last time they had a bath?  Sniff, sniff.... they kinda smell.  Let me investigate....I see dirt smudges on their knees, fuzz between their toes, and their hair is crunchy at the ends from breakfast of pancakes and syrup (F.O.U.R. days ago)... it's time for another bath!

Yep, you ALL know what I am talking about. know you do, (whether you want to admit it or not).

In my pregnancies I have a tendancy to not want to take in any new information. With this intake...there is always a loss/output. You catch yourself wondering, what important information am I going to lose if I take in something new? AND what if it is something one of my kids names??? No, really... I am TOTALLY serious, I have wondered that.

When I was pregnant with baby #4, I was sicker than I'd ever been before. I had been throwing up for weeks, with no reprieve. Thankfully, my brilliant O.B. prescribed a special little 'magic pill' called Zofran. This magical pill almost starts working instantly;  and the minute it hits your system, you feel like a human being again, (well, at least for about four hours).

Zofran IS my best friend during pregnancy.

One morning, I woke up in a haze of gagging fits, excessive saliva, lack of coffee, hair askew, and kiddos clamoring for breakfast. With an impending vomit-fest looming ahead of me, I desperately searched for my "magic-human" pill. It was still dark...but with my three other kids already awake, sleep wasn't on my radar. This had been the beginning of my days since I found out I was pregnant. Now my relaxing morning coffee, was officially replaced with a frantic search for the "magic-human" pill.

Did I mention we have a dog?
(It's kinda important to this story).
Let's name him Fluffy.

Fluffy has epilepsy. Fluffy also gets a daily "magic" pill. If Fluffy misses a pill...Fluffy has seizures.

So, as I sift through the medication drawer in my haze, I find Fluffy's pills and mine. EUREKA!  I will give him his now too, so I won't forget! I am so smart, (I think to myself), I really have a handle on things this pregnancy.

I give him his, and then I take mine.

And....we wait....

Ughhhh...."Why is my magic-human pill not working today???"

Puke, puke, more puke...
Grumbling, I think, "I don't have time for this!"

Meanwhile...Fluffy has a seizure.
What in the world?

Now, let me explain something, Fluffy's seizures are not dangerous. This is not a major condition. It is just something we deal with, actually quite often. don't you worry about Fluffy folks.

I give him another pill.
And at the same time, I am wondering, what in the world, about me!
My "magic-human" pill is still not working. Why? oh why???

Then it hits me!


I frantically call the O.B.....and with a shrill sound in my voice I say, shakingly....."Hello...this is Anono-Momma...I accidentally took my dog's anti-seizure medicine instead of my magic-human pill this morning!!!", fighting tears, I wait, cringing for his response.
To my surprise, thankfully, he assures me that everything is okay! His medication, is actually the same pill humans take when they have epilepsy.
My next question of course to him is "Will it hurt my baby?"
His response, "It is are fine...and guess what? You won't have any seizures today!"  (Ha, ha, ha... you are sooooooo funny Mister O.B.!  AND apparently fluffy won't be nauseous for the next 4 hours, either.)

Fabulous,  now that we have that problem figured out, where the heck is my magic-human pill again?

Pregnancy Brain at it's best.

~Preggo Brain Momma
(Reader Submitted)

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