
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Have you heard of Cimorelli?

If you haven't you MUST go and check them out!

Who are they anyways???

Well they are a family that I know personally and just adore. Year's ago they were just merely a very large family on the swim team that I coached with very talented swimmers. I remember clearly one day Momma Cimorelli pulling up to pick up her older kiddos and I peaked inside her Suburban and I believe I counted no less than 4 carseats. (That was a long time ago).

Now who are they???

Well they are still a family that I know personally and just adore...
And they happen to be the next big singing sensation that is literally exploding on the charts and has a very large Youtube following.

I will tell you, I am not shocked! They were a driven family from the get go. Momma Cimorelli homeschooled them all. In fact she was my inspiration for homeschooling my crew and then it turned into Scrappy's inspiration for homeschooling... She had those kids in sports and theater and all sorts of great stuff. I saw first hand how well rounded they were, how social and friendly and POLITE each and everyone of the kids were that I fell in love with the idea of homeschooling. Then, I lost touch with them (my family moved to Hawaii and back), recently with my Facebook obsession I searched the family name and low and behold they are a singing sensation. I friended some of the older crew and the Momma of course and have told them just how proud I am of them and their achievements...

They just released a new album EP two days ago and it is already #6 on itunes US pop charts!!!
Click on picture to check out the new album!

Here they are doing their thing! Rock it girls!

Here they are at the WIN awards.

Here they are at the Justin Bieber "Never Say Never", premiere.

Here they are in the rapid Bieber crowd. See Justin up on the screen?

Yup... I knew them before they were famous. :-)
Now go and check them out. You won't be sorry.
Cimorelli Website Click Here
Cimorelli on Facebook Click Here
Cimorelli on Twitter Click Here
Cimorelli on Youtube Click Here
Cimorelli on Itunes Click Here to listen and download

-Sister Pester
My Online Best Friend
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  1. Cimorelli but I do not love anyone like Lisa I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I have 10 years and I'm from the Canary Islands (Spain)
