Below are musings that could or could not be from Pester, Scrappy or any momma who is a reader of this page.....
All names have been removed for the privacy of the participants.
Portions of the original story may be changed...
All names have been removed for the privacy of the participants.
Portions of the original story may be changed...
One afternoon, recently, I had a mega headache. I laid down to take a nap while my younger children were busily being supervised by the 'babysitter' (aka a movie on the TV). When I woke up groggy still from the 20 minute cat nap (that was so delightful I had to wipe the spittle off the side of my mouth), I realized that the youngest of our children was busy trying to scamper up onto the bed I was laying on. I sighed knowing that the nap was over, whether the headache was gone or not and I needed to be Momma yet again. So I slid my legs over the edge of the bed, scooped the babe up in my arms and walked into the kitchen.
Oblivious at the time to the mess he had created bedside....
I quickly switched to chief mode and started to whip together a 4 course meal for lunch (easy macaroni and cheese, microwaved heated hot dogs, ketchup to dip, washed off grapes and water to drink).
Suddenly I heard the babe at my feet coughing, then choking. (An ER doctor couldn't have responded faster than this momma). I reached down grabbed that sweet baby up and flipped him upside down, all the while back-blowing and ready to go into the finger sweep when abruptly he spit out the offending object(s).
Laying on the ground in front of us were two small items...
1. A black pearl earring with small diamond enhancement.
2. A Molar.
Apparently, that stinker of a baby got into the jewelry box hidden under my bed during the 20 minutes of unconscious momma time. He somehow managed to find the hidden stash of teeth that sometimes the tooth-fairy occasionally deposits in one of the secret drawers. It was quite the shock to see a baby who has no molars... spit a molar out of his mouth. Oh and don't worry... his older sister was actually watching him during the babysitting/movie watching episode...
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